Request and ministry needs

Through working together, we can strengthen one another and help accomplish the great commission, we believe we can do this both locally and internationally as we combine our resources, gifting, talents and ideas.


TRANSPORTATION: - Motor cycles, Bicycles, four – wheel drive – Land Rover, CRUSADE equipment, Financial support for Building cities and rural churches and projects.  Financial support for orphans children and street children and relief.

·        We need tents for intercessors in other Nations
·        Our Ministry works together with many ministries and Churches all over African continent.
Be Apart of something big

Genesis 8:22 “For as long as Earth lasts, planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never stop”
¨      Conferences, seminars and Revivals.
¨      Missions
¨      Training
¨      Crusades

Participate in a ministry that is “out there” taking the Gospel of peace to a disillusioned world.
Do you have a part to play?
Now is the time to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit and fulfill His purpose together.
We mobilize short – term mission teams, as well as relief and development teams, to serve. These include ministry teams, medical and dental teams and educational teams.

You can be a partner with us in this work which King Jesus is doing in:-
¨      Prayer, teaching, counseling e.t.c.
¨      Financing – consistent giving towards this ministry in three ways:-
a)  Monthly
b)  Quarterly
c)  Occasionally

e.g. when there are major crusades and missions in:-
·        April
·        August
·        November
·        December

or conferences, seminars and Revival in:-
·        March
·        May
·        June
·        July
·        Sept.

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