About Us

It is a pleasure and breakthrough for us to have the opportunity to share with all fellow fishers – of – men that can help us throw out the gospel net over all Nations of the world, about the unique ministry of GRACE OASIS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL.
As a ministry to the body of Christ  this ministry exist to be an effective vehicle in carrying to the world messages, methods and a living example of the current Holy Spirit Revival, and to inform, orient, Equip and Train God’s people for his Mission in Africa and the world, especially among the unreached people.

We have seen God’s great faithfulness in fulfilling his calling and promises in people that are called according to his purpose.

GRACE OASIS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is a component of this big picture, dedicated to inspire dreams, visions through seminars, Revivals, Conferences and camps for the purpose of expanding the Kingdom, GRACE OASIS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is a visionary Ministry that relies upon broadens and implements of APOSTLE ISAAC OTIENO relational and servant style of leadership to establish churches and ministries throughout the world.  This involves planting new churches and Tran’s local ministries.

Under the direction of APOSTLE Isaac Otieno, he provides the vision, wisdom and brings pastoral and Evangelistic experience.  He has pastored GRACE OASIS  MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL since 2002, and has worked tirelessly in supportive roles since the beginning of this ministry.  It has taken the hands of the Lord for us to reach this far he has brought us; The Ministry has been operating in the Nation of Kenya and other Nations.

Our vision is to Expand the Kingdom of God, by establishing local churches and , raising up spiritual leaders and empowering all believers to walk in the fullness of their calling and gifting, and we inspire dreams and vision.

In the course of the History of the church, God at various times raises up people and a vehicle to accomplish phenomenal feats for His Kingdom.